
Basic Readings

Lokalisierung der Hauptstadt von Platons “Insel Atlantis” – Weiterführende Analyse mittels des Verfahrens der Geographical Hierarchical Constraint Satisfaction auf Basis lokal klassifizierter Kriterien aus Platons Dialogen Timaios und Kritias (Jun. 2012)

Circumstantial evidence for Plato’s Island Atlantis in the Souss-Massa plain in today’s South-Morocco (Aug. 2012)

Evidence for a Large Prehistoric Settlement in a Caldera-Like Geomorphological Structure in Southwest Morocco (Feb. 2012)

Journal publications

Hübner, Michael & Sebastian (2011): New evidence for a large prehistoric settlement in an annular geomorphological structure in Southwest Morocco.- Almogaren XLII (Institutum Canarium), Wien, 43-49

Hübner, Michael & Sebastian (2009): Large prehistoric settlement in Southwest Morocco discovered.- IC-Nachrichten 91 (Institutum Canarium), Wien, 54-55

Conference papers & presentations

Highly significant statistical results for the location of Plato’s Island of Atlas in the Souss Plain in today’s South Morocco. An introduction to the new method of GHCS (geographical hierarchical constraint satisfaction). Conference paper, 3rd International Conference: The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land, 25-26 June 2011, Santorini, Greece

Some simple examples of GHCS (geographical hierarchical constraint satisfaction) and the statistical significance of its results. Conference presentation, 3rd International Conference: The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land, 25-26 June 2011, Santorini, Greece

Statistical sginificane of the Souss hypothesis is provided in the presentation

New Evidence for a Large Prehistoric Settlement in a Caldera-Like Geomorphological Structure in Southwest Morocco. Conference presentation, 3rd International Conference: The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land, 25-26 June 2011, Santorini, Greece

Expedition reports & other stuff

Kurzbericht über unsere 5te Reise in den Souss vom 22.11.11 bis 02.12.11. (Jan. 2012)

Kurzbericht über die 3te Atlantis Konferenz 2011 in Santorini (Oct. 2011)